Phi Theta Kappa

Welcome to Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society

Alpha Pi Tau Chapter

Students who achieve a 3.5 cumulative GPA after completing 12 credits with Clinton Community College (including CAP credit) are invited to join the Alpha Pi Tau chapter of Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society of the Two Year Colleges. The American Association of Community Colleges has named PTK the official honor society for two-year colleges! This is the only honor society awarded this distinction.

Our local college chapter provides:

  • Graduation recognition and regalia
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Opportunities for student leadership and participation in campus and community service projects

In general, membership affords students with a plethoria of scholarship opportunities ($90 million at the associate, bachelor's and master's level and $46 million for transfers), transfer success, publishing opportunities, and numerous member discounts with a host of partners. 

Meetings are held each Monday from noon - 1 pm in M-432.
Please join us!

