New “Nursing Students Helping Nursing Students” Scholarship
The Clinton Community College Nursing Club is proud to announce the establishment of the "Nursing Students Helping Nursing Students" scholarship in collaboration with the Clinton Community College Foundation. This scholarship aims to support nursing students facing financial constraints and foster a community of assistance and encouragement within the nursing program.

back row- Leyla Bouti '24, Lili Morello '24, Meagan Long '22, Bethany Irish '22, Tricia Montroy '22, Ericka Killburn '24
font row- Andrew Tomah '22, Courtney Coon '24
A nursing club member, Lili Morelli, said “We are actively implementing the proposal introduced by the Nursing Club Class of 2023 to offer financial assistance to fellow nursing students. This initiative involves utilizing funds raised by the student nursing club. It presents an excellent chance for nursing students to support their peers in the field!”
The scholarship is open to nursing students enrolled at CCC, requiring a minimum GPA of 2.5 as confirmed by nursing faculty. Applicants must demonstrate financial need with no access to TAP, PELL, or Federal funding, nor employer-sponsored reimbursement plans. To apply, students must submit a one-paragraph essay detailing why the funding is crucial for their academic journey, and a recommendation from a nursing faculty member is preferred.
The "Nursing Students Helping Nursing Students" scholarship will be awarded each semester, contingent on the availability of funds. One $500 scholarship will be granted to a senior nursing student, and another $500 scholarship will be awarded to a first year nursing student each semester. Recipients will receive checks directly after the date of record to confirming their attendance.
One of the nursing faculty members, Dawn Maille, stated, “Our students embrace the values and caring of the Nursing Profession in a rewarding career. I just love their passion, commitment, and dedication that made this scholarship possible. The scholarship is funded all through fundraising money the Nursing Club raises. I couldn’t be prouder of our students!”
Individuals interested in contributing to the scholarship fund are encouraged to make donations at any time. The Nursing Club believes that through collective effort, they can make a meaningful impact on the lives and education of nursing students at Clinton Community College.