Can I Register Online?

You may register online if you are a matriculated (degree-seeking) student. Matriculated students include the following:

  • Continuing students who are currently enrolled at CCC in a degree program*
  • Returning students who were previously in a degree program at CCC and wish to continue or start a new program*
  • New first-time students who intend to earn a degree at CCC*
  • New transfer students who intend to earn a degree at CCC*

* May include eligible 'Undeclared' students

You may NOT register online if you are a non-matriculated (non degree-seeking) student.

What If I'm Not Eligible for Online Registration?

If you are not eligible for online registration, you will need to follow a different registration procedure depending upon your status. Learn more about other registration methods.


Should you have any questions about the registration process, please do not hesitate to contact the Registrar's Office at (518) 562-4124. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
