How to Register Online

If you are a currently enrolled, matriculated student, you may register online.  Follow these steps to register online:

Register Online using the following steps!

Step 1: Check the Registrar's Calendar to see when you are eligible to register

Step 2: Pick up a registration worksheet from the Registrar's Office

  • While you are registering online, you will still need to pick up a registration worksheet. This form will be used to plan your schedule and, if signed by your advisor, can be used in case you run into severe difficulties when trying to register.

Step 3: Make an appointment to meet with your advisor

Step 4: Meet with your advisor

  • Come prepared to discuss your course selections with your advisor. After you have selected your course, have your advisor sign the form, and then your advisor will enable your account online.

Step 5: Turn in curriculum change and/or graduation worksheets at the Registrar's Office (OPTIONAL)

  • If you are changing your curriculum or turning in a graduation worksheet to qualify for priority registration, you need to hand these forms in before try

Step 6: When your registration window opens, log into the Student Portal

Step 7: Click 'Registration' link on the left-hand navigation

Step 8: Verify your student information and make edits if necessary

  • It is critical that your contact information is accurate. Please make edits or verify that it is accurate. If your home address is incorrect, contact the Registrar's Office.

Step 9: Review the course offerings and save your courses

  • Find your courses by clicking on the next page or using the filter. Once you have located your courses, click the checkbox to put a hold on each course. When you've put a hold on each course, you are temporarily saving those courses, BUT YOU ARE NOT REGISTERED FOR THEM!

Step 10: Click the 'Process Registration' button to register for your courses

  • You are not registered for your courses until you hit the process registration button. Hitting this button will add these courses to your schedule.

Step 11: Verify your registration

  • If your registration was successful, after clicking the 'Process Registration Button' you will be taken to a schedule page. Print out a copy of the schedule for your records.

Step 12: Hold on to your documentation (RECOMMENDED)

  • Even after you have registered, we recommend that you hold on to your registration worksheet and your schedule in case there are any questions raised about your schedule in the future.

Need More Assistance?

If you have reviewed the information above and still need assistance, there are plenty of resources to help you learn about online registration. We recommend the following:

If you have further questions after reviewing these links, please contact the Registrar's Office at (518) 562-4124.
